1. What beautiful pictures! In Copenhagen? I love the colours, as well as the shapes.

    Lately, I have been loving the shape of my road bike, because of the way it cuts through the wind and speeds me up hills with the minimum of fuss…. but then, that makes me feel slightly guilty that I’m not appreciating the workhorse qualities of my hybrid! I’ve had that for almost a decade now carrying all the shopping, the tools for the allotment, and the tent on longer cycle tours, reliably and without complaint.

    Loving your work, Crank and Cog! More please!

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    • Well spotted! Yes it’s Copenhagen from two winters back! Lot’s of bikes with classic frame geometry. A city where cycling is completely normalized – no ill fitting lycra in sight!


      • I must say, I found it slightly intimidating cycling there with all those other people in paved-off lanes! I remember that you had to really concentrate if you wanted to turn off and to get in position well beforehand or risk causing a mega pile-up! It’s almost more free to be a cyclist in London where you’re a bit more of an outlier, even if you have to cohabit with sometimes lethal drivers! I find I’m writing quite a bit about cycling these days and it would be great to try and raise the profile of it on WordPress – am vaguely contemplating some sort of collective blog featuring a few writers like us, so maybe I’ll try and persuade you to join up?! All the best in the meantime!

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